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Mail-Aktion Belo Monte:
Rechte indigener Völker respektieren

Am Montag starteten über 170 Vertreter von mehreren indigenen Völkern zum zweiten Mal in diesem Monat eine Besetzung der Belo Monte-Staudamm-Baustelle im brasilianischen Amazonasgebiet. Sie fordern von der brasilianischen Regierung endlich die gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Voraussetzung für derartige Projekte zu schaffen und solange diese nicht erfüllt sind, umgehend den Bau, alle Planungsarbeiten dazu, sowie alle Polizeiaktivitäten gegen die Bevölkerung einzustellen, die dem Schutz der illegalen Baustellen an den Flüssen Xingu, Tapajós und Teles Pires dienen. Die 'Xingu Alive Forever'-Kampagne bittet um internationale Solidaritätsbekundungen - um eine drohende Eskalation in den nächsten Tagen zu verhindern.

Zum Musterbrief unten springen

Mittlerweile wird der Protest von noch mehr Menschen getragen, die nach und nach dazugestoßen bzw. angereist sind, unter ihnen viele nichtindianische Flußanwohner, deren Lebensraum auch verloren gehen würde. Es sollen auch viele Bauarbeiten mitstreiken, da die Arbeitsbedingungen so ausbeuterisch sind.

Anstelle dem Protest Gehör zu schenken, unterband die Regierung Journalisten und Rechtsanwälten bei der ersten Aktion Anfang Mai den Zugang zum Protestplatz und hat die Versorgung der Demonstranten mit Lebensmitteln blockiert. Wie die Situation derzeit ist, ist uns unbekannt. Ein regionales staatliches Gericht (Regional Federal Tribunal (TRF-1)) hat entschieden, dass die indigenen Repräsentanten mit Gewalt vertrieben werden dürfen. Es wird erwartet, dass dies in den nächsten Stunden angegangen wird, aber nach aktuellen Informationen aus Brasilien, wird noch verhandelt.

Nachdem, befeuert durch die richterliche Entscheidung die friedlich protestierenden Indigenen notfalls gewaltsam von der Baustelle zu räumen, die Situation eskalieren könnte, bittet die 'Xingu Alive Forever'-Kampagne dringend bei brasilianischen offiziellen Stellen auf eine friedliche Lösung des Konflikts zu drängen und die umgehende Respektierung der Rechte der Betroffenen zu fordern.

Aufnahme vom 28.5.2013 - 'Wir werden nicht weggehen, auch wenn es einen richterlichen Beschluss gibt'
weitere Information Blog da Ocupação de Belo Monte

Statement der Baustellenbesetzer vom 2.5.2013

We are the people who live in the rivers where you want to build dams. We are the Munduruku, Juruna, Kayapó, Xipaya, Kuruaya, Asurini, Parakanã, Arara, fishermen and peoples who live in riverine communities. We are Amazonian peoples and we want the forest to stand. We are Brazilians. The river and the forest are our supermarket. Our ancestors are older than Jesus Christ.

You do this because you are afraid to listen to us. You are afraid to hear that we don’t want dams on our rivers, and afraid to understand why we don’t want them.You are pointing guns at our heads. You raid our territories with war trucks and soldiers. You have made the fish disappear and you are robbing the bones of our ancestors who are buried on our lands.

You invent stories that we are violent and that we want war. Who are the ones killing our relatives? How many white people have died in comparison to how many Indigenous people have died? You are the ones killing us, quickly or slowly. We're dying and with each dam that is built, more of us will die. When we try to talk with you, you bring tanks, helicopters, soldiers, machine guns and stun weapons.

What we want is simple: You need to uphold the law and promote enacting legislation on free, prior and Informed consent for indigenous peoples. Until that happens you need to stop all construction, studies, and police operations in the Xingu, Tapajós and Teles Pires rivers. And then you need to consult us.

We want dialogue, but you are not letting us speak. This is why we are occupying your dam-building site. You need to stop everything and simply listen to us.

Weiterführende Informationen gibt es unter, unter (portugiesisch), unter (englisch) sowie unter (englisch)

Bitte schickt jetzt eine Mail an Frau Dilma Rousseff (Präsidentin der Brasilianischen Republik), an die Verantwortlichen in relevanten Institutionen und an die brasilianische Botschaft in Berlin.
Achtung: bei einigen Absendern kann es zu einer Fehlerrückmeldung kommen, da eine der brasilianischen Empfängeradressen empfindlich zu reagieren scheint. Wir gehen davon aus, dass die Botschaft die Mails ordungsgemäß weiter leitet.

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Dilma Rousseff, President of the Republic
Gilberto Carvalho, Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic
José Eduardo Cardozo, Minister of Justice
Paulo Maldos, Secretary of Social Affairs SG/PR

via Brasilianische Botschaft, Berlin

Dear President Dilma and
other members of the government of Brazil,

Since long time I observe the development in Brazil. The abolition of poverty is a remarkable achievement and a respectable progress. But I regard with concern the incapacitation of concerned citizens, especially indigenous peoples, who are confronted with growing neglect of their rights, which is even observable from abroad. I would not expect such a behaviour from the prospering Brazilian society.

Just now i have been informed about renewed protest and blockade at the Belo Monte building site.

I have learned that the local people already had protested earlier in the beginning of this month and after a court rule that they could be removed by force - which experts consider in this case against the countrys own constitution - at that time the protesters terminated their action to show their peacefullness expecting their claim would be addressed by the officials.

As nothing has happened in the meantime some 170 people came back a few days ago and despite the renewed ruling of a court to remove them by force, they are convinced to stay and insist on dialogue with Gilberto Carvalho, the chief minister of the General Secretariat of the Presidency, in person.

The occupation and the transformation of ecosystems in the name of progress and whole anthroposphere, that goes hand in hand with it, attracts my attention since years. We can hear the outcry of the affected people even in Europe ... and it is hard to believe, the conquest of the Americas has ever come to an end.

Therefore, with my current state of knowledge and consternation, I support the legitimate claims of the Munduruku people, the Xingu people and other indigenous peoples of Brazil - may their right to free, prior and informed consent be respected. Their human rights are based on the democratic principle of the Brazilian state and are guaranteed both in art. 231 of the Federal Constitution and in the international instruments that have been incorporated into national legislation, such as ILO Convention 169, which is guaranteed by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, ratified by the government of Brazil.

Your Government, President Dilma, so far was reluctant to negotiate with the local peoples as well as neglected their rights. Instead police and military was sent according to the appeals for support by the local people to the international community.

The National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) and the Federal Public Prosecutors (MPF) have issued a statement earlier criticizing the court’s decision to allow the use of police force and demanded a continuation of negotiations without using violence (

I reject the use of force against a peaceful demonstration of indigenous people who have the courage to fight for their rights. I demand that the federal government finds a peaceful resolution for this conflict within the framework of respect for the human rights of indigenous peoples, the Federal Constitution of Brazil and international treaties.

President Dilma, you as first femal leader of Brazil and with your European roots, are in special responsibility to stop immediately what seems from our perspective the continuation of more than 500 years misery brought to the Americas and to the peoples that have their rights secured in the Brasilian constitution, but not in real life.

Yours sincerely,

Brasilian embassy in Berlin
Environmental- and Socialorganisationen

facilitated by Pro REGENWALD, Germany - e128

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