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Änok Flussdelta im Norden Schwedens retten

Eine akute Bedrohung schwebt über dem Bergwald in Änok – einem der absolut schönsten Flussdeltas im Norden Schwedens. Das Änok Delta ist eine grandiose Urwaldlandschaft, einzigartig an sich aber auch wertvoll als Teil einer zusammenhängenden und weglosen Wildnis. In Änok treffen sich das Naturreservat Pärlälvens Bergurwald und das Weltkulturerbe Laponia mit vielen geschützten Gebieten wie auch der Nationalpark Sarek. Änok liegt im Herzen der letzten Wildnis Europas, ohne Straßen oder anderen Zeichen von größeren menschlichen Eingriffen.

Trotzdem hat das schwedische Amt für Forstangelegenheiten seine Zustimmung für den Kahlschlag von 40 ha urwaldartigem Wald gegeben, nur 1 km von der Grenze des UNESCO-Welterbes Laponia entfernt.

Die Provinzialregierung in Norrbotten könnte das Gebiet gesetzlich unter Schutz stellen. Das erfordert nur die Unterschrift des Gouverneurs. Mit der Abholzung kann jederzeit begonnen werden.

Weiterführende Informationen gibt es unter
Appeal: Protect Sweden's Old-Growth Forests und
Leading international scientist urge to protect remaining old-growth forestssowie
Pressemitteilung: Umstrittenes Fällen von Urwald stellt unzureichende schwedische Waldpolitik bloß

Unsere schwedischen Partner-NGOs freuen sich über internationale Unterstützung insbesondere über eine Mail an Gouverneur Eriksson.

Bitte schickt jetzt eine Mail an Gouverneur Eriksson: 'Don't destroy Änok river delta'

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to: Per-Ola Eriksson
Gouvernor of Norrbotten County

Dear Mr Eriksson,

Environmental organisations in Sweden and Germany have drawn my attention to the threat being posed to the Änok river delta - it probably will be logged and destroyed. I understand that you as Governor of Norrbotten County could prevent the logging of the delta, and instead preserve this unique wilderness area in the magnificent mountains of Kvikkjokk.

What i have learned from the NGOs communication is that clear-cutting in Änok would cause irreparable damage to nature, and would also severely affect for future generations possibilities to experience one of Swedens last unspoiled virgin forests. This also refers to German visitors traveling to Sweden because there they still expect being able to experience more natural ecosystems than in Germany.

I also have learned that the natural values in Änok have the very highest qualities. The three concerned authorities – the Swedish Forest Agency, the County Administrative Board and the Environmental Protection Agency – all assess that this area has a very high conservation value. If Swedish forestry is to achieve its aspirations of ecological sustainability, they cannot continue to move in to previously untouched and roadless virgin forest landscapes.

Logging in Änok would also seriously damage the reputation of Swedish forestry, which is already today under severe critique from the environmental movement - and closely observered by consumers in Germany using Swedish fibre in paper products. Swedish forest policy is built on the idea of equality between production and nature conservation, which means that some forests should be managed while others preserved. If the pristine forests in Änok do not belong to the latter, there is absolutely no credibility left in Sweden's current forest policy.

I understand that you, Mr. Eriksson, as County Governor in Norrbotten are the highest official in a government agency with the task to work towards achieving the environmental objectives adapted by the Swedish parliament. Logging in Änok violates at least three of these; A Magnificent Mountain Landscape, Sustainable Forests and A Rich Diversity of Plant and Animal Life. In addition, the area is classified as having national interest concerning conservation and recreation.

Logging in the heart of Änok would be one of the 21st century's greatest environmental failures in the forests of Sweden. I appeal to you to stop this logging and immediatly protect the Änok river delta from exploitation.

Thank you for your serious consideration of this matter.


cc: Swedish embassy in Germany
environmental NGOs

facilitated by Pro REGENWALD, Germany - e126

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