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Sigourney Weaver gegen Regenwaldzerstörung
Petition gegen Staudamm-Projekt Belo Monte
Stichwörter: mitmachen Protest Waldzerstörung

Schon gut ein Jahr lang machen sich Hollywood-Stars stark für den Regenwaldschutz in Brasilien und protestieren gegen den am Xingu-Fluss geplante Belo Monte-Staudamm. Ihr Engagement hat die Bemühungen der Basisgruppen in Brasilien enorm aufgewertet.

Sigourney Weaver hat jetzt ihre Stimme einem Protest-Video geliehen, mit dem Werbung für eine Online-Petition (Text siehe unten) gemacht wird.

Wer die Petition unterstützen will, kann sich hier eintragen

Petitionstext Save the Xingu River

Dear Brazilian Government,

I am deeply concerned about your plans to build the Belo Monte Dam Complex on the Xingu River in the Amazon, in violation of the human rights of indigenous people and other threatened populations, and despite warnings by renowned Brazilian scientists, engineers, economists and religious leaders about the project’s huge social and environmental costs and lack of economic viability.

I support the demands of Brazilian civil society that the Brazilian government immediately stop the Belo Monte Dam Complex, and instead:

  • Implement Brazilian legislation and international agreements on protecting human rights and the environment, giving special attention to indigenous peoples and their territories,
  • Invest in energy efficiency and alternative energy sources to meet Brazil’s legitimate energy needs, and
  • Support participatory and sustainable development in the Xingu region, aimed at strengthening local livelihoods and safeguarding the region’s delicate ecosystems.

Brazil has an opportunity to demonstrate global leadership in protecting the Amazon, its people and the global climate. Current and future generations of Brazilians are counting on you to make the right decision.



# Truniger Manuela am 21.12.2010, 16:45

Bitte schaut doch für unsere Natur. Ihr habt es in der Hand.

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